Everything is connected. That’s easy to say, but it becomes a gigantic challenge when links in the global network are suddenly cut. In recent years, we have all become painfully aware of how quickly supply chains can be disrupted or completely interrupted. Be it lockdowns in Chinese port cities, an accident in the Suez Canal, or the devastating effectsof the war in Ukraine.

In view of these developments, it becomes clear just how much “international relations”affect logistics and supply chain management. My diploma in International Relations and my M.Sc. in Logistics have given me the tools to not only understand these connections, but to actively shape them. Not only to optimise efficiency, but above all to make supply chains more socially just and ecologically sustainable – across borders.

To ensure the leastsupply risk in the long term, all relevant issues must be taken into account from the very beginning: sustainability, climate protection, and human rights, as well as integrity, compliance, data protection, and antitrust law.